Graduate School of Arts & Sciences - Economics

Boston University | Copyright 2020

Our graduates work at places like Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, and the World Bank. Scholarships available for qualified applicants. Degree options include:

The rigorous real-world preparation and deeply analytical thinking at Boston University will blow your mind.

In only 2 semesters, you can earn your master’s degree and acquire the advanced quantitative skills required to start a career as an economic analyst in the business world, the consulting industry, central bank, or government.

MA in Economics

This intensive three-semester program will provide you with a strong foundation in economic theory, methods, and application as well as in-depth specialization in policy and management. Prepare to be a leader and influencer in the world of policy analysis and creation.

MA in Economic Policy

Build the credentials for a career in the economic development of lower- and middle-income countries and in-transition economies. In three rigorous semesters, you will gain advanced skills in economics and training in politics, governance, international relations, and public health.

MA in Global Development Economics